Serious Accident Prevention Act Regulations (Safety and Health Management System Regulations) established
05. 06.
Development of MP-SDK Module Selected as one of the 1000+ Global Small Giants (Ministry of SMEs and Startups) Development of MST-1000 (Kiosk Type) Acquisition of MHLW approval for SA-3000NEW Development of ONE-CHIP Module (Available for HRV, APG, ECG and SPO2 measurement) Signed the SKD Contract for SA-3000NEW and AFT-800 with Wuxi Xinruikang Medical Equipment Co., Ltd. in China Approved the change of permission for KFDA of SA-3000NEW Acquisition of MHLW approval for BodyChecker'S Released the first SKD Product "HRV-PRO" to Indonesian Market
05. 06.
Development of SDK (API) module for Autonomic Nervous System and Blood Vessel Test Acquired Performance Certificate for BodyCheckerⓢ (Ministry of Small and Medium Business) Agreed in May on a joint research project for the A.I thermology with American Academy of thermology (AAT) In June, KFDA was granted to IRIS-EZ Ai Diagnosis Software Development of Lumbosacral Radiculopathy Development for Standard Temperature Data for Normal People
02. 03. 04.
07. 08.
Developed IRIS-EZ for screening the temperature as a low-cost system Acquired CE-MDD certificate for SA-3000P and Max Pulse in Europe Move the Office from Seoul to Hanam (Misa Hyundai Knowledge Industry Center) Developed the A.I algorithm calculating eardrum temperatures through the infrared ray camera Upgraded the pulse wave analysis function Acquired CP Certificate for exporting strategic materials (Infrared Thermal Imaging Camera) Establishment of Japanese Branch (Tokyo) Acquired FDA Certificate for IRIS-XP (Infrared Imaging System)
06. 07. 10.
Release of IRIS-QT COVID-19 Fever Screening Device Clinical studies for HRV and Immune System / Video making Development of HRV 1 min measurement mode based on Ai algorithm [Existing mode: 3 min.] Submitted an Application for Strategic Material CP Approval
03. 04. 06. 08. 10. 11.
MP-100 was released, Acquired CE-RED for UMON, NOWMON FDA on-site inspection Development of IRIS-A (Infrared for Animals) Development of IRIS-Q (Automatic Quarantine Equipment) Development of IRIS-BT9000 Development of BodyChecker S
02. 10. 12.
Release of IR950 (Infrared thermography) Development of UMON, NOWMON Release Smart Pulse U
06. 10. 11.
Open the Web Service site Release Max Pulse with wireless communication and built in battery Release New App. Of Smart Pulse
03. 06. 08. 09.
Release of SA-6000 Upgrade (HRV orthostatic test) Release of App. upgrade for Smart Pulse Exclusive distribution agreement with T.M.H. in Japan for Smart Pulse Release of AFT-800 upgrade Development of real temperature image in infrared thermography Development of Max Pulse for pediatric and adolescent use
02. 03.
04. 10.
PCT Patent application for the evaluation of autonomic regulation ability Acquisition of CE certificate 3rd generation for BodyChecker Paper presentation for comparison between 3 Min and 5min HRV measurement time Acquisition of CE certificate 3rd generation for IRIS-XP Development of UMON, NOWMON and healthcare App.
01. 03. 04. 05. 08.
10. 11.
Purchase of New Factory Facility and movement New release of AFT-800 & IRIS-8000 Exclusive Distribution Agreement with MEDETE in Japan for Max Pulse and Smart Pulse Acquisition of CFDA approval for Smart Pulse in China06.Publication of Thermology (Korean Society of Thermology) Celebration of 15th Anniversary of Foundation Distribution Agreement for Argi-Q10 Exclusive Agreement for Max Pulse in the United States Exclusive Agreement for IRIS-XP in China Upgrade of the Windows OS system up to Windows 7 in all of equipments Acquisition of CFDA approval for IRIS-XP in China
03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09.
Acquisition of SFDA Certificate for Body Checker in China China Office Movement Exclusive Distritution Agreement with G-Tech International in China for BodyChecker/Max Pulse Organization of Society for The research of Thermology Acquisition of SFDA Certificate for Max Pulse in China KFDA approval of New IRIS-8000 New Release the Upgrade Version of BodyChecker KFDA approval of New AFT-800 (Autonomic Orthostatic Test) Long-term Agreement with OSIM International in Singapore for ODM development and Supply New Release the Upgrade Version of Max Pulse and acquisition of CE three edition Certificate Completion of Smart Pulse for Android App. Development and Bluetooth Version Long-term Agreement with Davi & Cia in Spain for ODM Development and Supply
02. 05. 06. 07. 10. 12.
Launched Smart Pulse04.Movement of China branch office Registered Smart Pulse in Japan Attended Japanese Congress of Thermology Acquired K mark for IRIS-XP08.Acquired CE Mark for Smart Pulse Contracted Supply Agreement for SA-3000P with Assist Medical in USA Attended AUSA exhibition in USA Approval of Excellent Quality Products for IRIS-XP by Public Procurement Service
01. 02. 03. 05. 06. 08. 09. 11. 12.
Agreed on Sales Contract for Max Pulse in Philipines Certified CE Mark for IRIS-XP Agreed on Sales Contract for IRIS-5000 in China Agreed on Sales Contract for Max Pulse in China Agreed on Sales Contract for pediatric & teenager market of China with SA-3000P Acquired patent for DICAN Attended American Psychiatric Association Annual Meeting in Hawaii Acquired FDA approval for Max Pulse Attended International Pain Congress in Chengdu, China Held HRV seminar in Indonesia10.Attended Brno Medical Exhibition in Czech Republic Attended World congress of Thermology in Brazil Acquired SFDA for IRIS-5000 Held Korean Congress of Thermology
03. 05. 07. 08. 09. 10.
11. 12.
Long-term Sales Contract in China Recognized SA-3000P as an Excellent Invention by Korea Patent Association Register in Automobile Insurance for Infrared Thermography Acquisition of Max Pulse CE, CB, MET Acquisition of BodyChecker CE, CB, MET Movement of China branch office to KOTRA Incubator Building Recognized SA3000P as an excellent product of the Korea Procurement Association Attendance in Medical Fair Asia 2010, Singapore Infrared Thermography was introduced by MD. PhD. FIPP. Sang-Chul Lee Seoul National University Hospital in the World Congress of Pain Certified CE mark for DICAN Agreed on Sales Contract for Max Pulse in USA Hold the Congress with Korean Society of Thermology
01. 03. 05. 08.
Patent (ANS Analyzer) in Japan Publication of montly journal Development of Max Pulse04.Factory movement to Seongnam-si Development of the children reference Anninversary of the establishment for 10 years
01. 02. 03. 04. 06. 07.
Development of Nano-Pulse Completed in Real Temperature Image with IRIS-XP TFT for Infrared Thermograph Imaging Standardization Patent with DiCAN05.New APG Algorithm Appliance Children's HRV Reference Appliance Long-term Contract with ForMor International in USA
02. 05. 06. 07. 08. 10.
Acquisition of KGMP Attendance in VITAFOOD Exhibition (Geneva) Completed in Clinical Study for DiCAN Reference Remote Diagnosis with the Korean Society of Thermography Acquisition of BodyChecker CE Attendance in Korea-Japan Diabetes Society Seminar
01. 03.
06. 07. 09. 10.
Participated in NEPCON JAPAN SHOW in Japan Completed in Development of SA-7000 Development of IRIS-XP with CCD Type Participated in HOSPITALAR in Brazil Established for Medicore Japan Contract with Cardiograde in USA for 5 million dollar Completed in Development of BODY CHECKER Completed in Development of DiCAN Approval of FDA for SA-3000P in USA
01. 02.
03. 04. 07. 08. 09. 10. 11. 12.
Initial Export for IRT 1216 1 Unit to EG TECHNO in Japan Participated in APEX in USA Participated in ARAB HEALTH in Arab Amirates Contract with Waton International in Taiwan Development Of New Stress Analyzer (SA-6000) Participated in NEPCON KOREA SHOW in Korea Contract with Tokyo Iken in Japan Approval of Import for CRAINSCAN Supplied PDP Dept. of Sam Sung Electronics with RVS150 Supplied Airconditioner Business Dept. of LG with MVS100 Patent of HRV in Japan Supplied LG Chemicals with CVS
03. 09. 10.
Improved industrial infrared board test equipment (IRT1216) Developed blood circulation checking system Developed module of Stress phone
03. 09. 10.
Improved industrial infrared board test equipment (IRT1216) Developed blood circulation checking system Developed module of Stress phone
03. 07. 08. 09.
Development of patient monitoring system PPM Series Development of bio function manager BFM-5000 Authorized INNO-BIZ by Small & Medium Business Administration Selected excellent small & medium business company by Korea Technology Credit Guarantee Fund Selected a bright prospect company by Korea Credit Guarantee Fund
07. 08. 09. 12.
Certified "ISO9001" Development of colored light stimulation therapy(ST-900) Certified "EN46001/MDD" Development of autonomic nervous system Analizer SA-2000E Development of blood circulation checker MyMc Development of HRV(Heart Rate Variability) analytic equipment SA-3000P
05.07. 08. 10. 12.
Developed "HANY SARANG", medical information system Development of digital infrared imaging system IRIS-5000 Founded R&DCenter Founded "The Korean Society of Diagnostic Thermology" Development of non-processed blood analytic equipment Movement of Gwangju factory Development of autonomic nervous system Analizer (SA-2000) Assigned as a company for the defence industry
07. 08.11.
Established Took over the Infrared Thermographic Imaging System and Helikit business of Medison Co., Ltd. Took over "HANY SARANG" business of Medison Co., Ltd. Venture Business registration in official