Medicore Co., Ltd. is a specialized manufacturer in medical devices such as autonomic nervous system function
analyzer and medical thermography.

We, Medicore Co., Ltd., are a passionate and innovative healthcare company committed to enhancing health and well-being.
Our mission is to develop and provide cutting-edge solutions that empower people to transform their lifestyles and achieve healthier lives.
As a trusted Health Coach, we leverage world-class HRV, APGanalysis, and Infrared Thermography technology to set new standards
in health monitoring and wellness.

With relentless dedication to research, development, and innovation, we strive to lead the global healthcare industry, guiding people toward healthier lives. Medicore remains committed to shaping the future of healthcare with groundbreaking technology and unwavering passion.

Corporate Identity

Management philosophy


We aim to create high added value based on differentiated technology and achieve stable and sustainable growth.


Improve your own capabilities through autonomous goal management and build an organization that does not require management.


We distribute profits based on fair personnel management and growth through evaluation based on contribution profits.


We emphasize open cultural awareness and creativity in order to actively respond to environmental changes and grow into a technology-oriented company.


Managers must lead by example and be ethical, trust and respect employees, and understand the flexibility of the organization.


Growth and culture begin with loyalty to the company and are based on the principles of problem solving through dialogue, information sharing, and management based on consensus between top and bottom.

Company Vision

Corporate vision


The meaning of the logo is that the blue square symbolizes trust, stability, and sturdiness, and the red rectangle symbolizes passion, ambition, and youth. Overall, it symbolizes M (Medicore, Medical, Men) and creates a door to open the future. In line with the meaning of MEDICORE, it symbolizes a company with a vision for the future that achieves stability and growth of the company based on individual trust and passion to become the center of the medical field.